PolyCAD version 1.0 by M.R. and N.J. Dubal ------------------------------------------ Unzip the pcad10.zip file using the -d option PolyCAD is a 3-D visualization tool allowing the user to create, modify and view 3-D polygon structures. Sophisticated lighting and shading features are available to produce highly realistic views of the models and shapes you create. PolyCAD is quick to learn, straightforward to use and, with a little experience, complex models can be produced in a short time. System Requirements: o Windows 3.1, preferably in a 256 colour mode o Uses VBRUN300.DLL (not included) o Uses Microsoft WinG (files included) Features Include: o Polygons up to six sides. o Automatic triangulation of concave and non-planar polygons. o Automatic determination of polygon ordering. Vertices can be entered in any order. o Lambert, Gouraud and Phong shading. o Hidden surface removal including Binary Space Partition (BSP) o Interactive setting of object size, spotlight position and ambient lighting level. PolyCAD is shareware.